2023-2023 Interest Form

Thank you to all members, faculty, and speakers who supported our mission this past year!


Sophia-(σοφία) Wisdom

Arete- (ἀρετή) Excellence

Nous- (νοῦς) Intellect/Mind

Follow Us on Social Media for real time updates!

Instagram: @brooklynphilosophysociety

Past Events

Responses to a Pandemic: Philosophical and Political Reflections

Philosophy Department Professor A. Gotlib

Who we are


Vice President


Club Connector


Faculty/Club Advisor

Anna Gotlib

Club Purpose

The Purpose of the Philosophy Society at Brooklyn College is to promote the discipline and profession of philosophy, both within the academy and in the public arena. Our goal is to make philosophy easy to understand and accessible to all people; regardless of personal profession and education. Our mission statement is as follows.

Mission Statement: The mission of Philosophy Society and its founding members is to build a fortress of free thought. Its purpose is to create a space on campus where the love and search for wisdom are encouraged, excellence is accessible, and the mind is free. Our duty as members of society is to be noble and of service to the minds around us in our academic environment.

Motto: Sophia-Arete-Nous

2022-2023 Yearly Newsletter 

Coming soon...